Funny Farm - Ryan Smith, fellow IRC chatter. Fellow TransFan. Fellow freak. I draw random, random stuff for him. And naked Boe. I hope he appreciates how mentally scarring it is thinking up Naked Boe gags.
It's Walky! - FEAR THE ANIMATED CORPSE THAT IS DAVID WILLIS! Or, alternately, read his comic. Another fellow IRC chatter, I knew this guy before he started Roomies!. And made many stupid comments about the early strips along the way. Ah, the hilarity of his discussing the strips with us before they went online..
Crap I Read(And in the nicest possible way)
Bruno the Bandit - Truely a coming of age story. Well, if by coming of age, you mean "being an idiot who thinks he's a great thief".
More to come! Just need to figure out blurbs...